Let your property with an experienced and local property expert
Looking for reliable letting agents? We manage a range of properties across Lanarkshire and Glasgow, with multiple landlord packages to choose from.
Looking for reliable letting agents? We manage a range of properties across Lanarkshire and Glasgow, with multiple landlord packages to choose from.
From single bedroom flats to family homes, we ensure that your letting experience is a positive one.
Since 2006, Empire has been providing the highest quality service for our landlords. We currently rent over 500 properties in Glasgow and Lanarkshire.
Not happy with your current letting agent or just curious about what else is out there?
At Empire, we take care of the switching for you. This means no hassle – and you’ll get the first three months without management fees!
Properties are not only our business – they’re our passion. Whatever your question, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with our letting agents in Lanarkshire.
Got a property to rent in Lanarkshire or Glasgow? Get in touch with Empire today.